State Program Administrators
Director, Bureau of Emergency Preparedness and Response: Louis Eubank
Office of Public Health Preparedness
Telephone: (803) 832-8121
Email: eubanklw@dph.sc.gov
Deputy Director, Bureau of Emergency Preparedness and Response: Arnold Alier, EdD, NRP
Office of Public Health Preparedness
Telephone: (803) 898-5336
Email: aliera@dph.sc.gov
Grants Administrator: Steve Harrington
Office of Public Health Preparedness
Telephone: (803) 898-4446
Email: harrinsm@dph.sc.gov
Healthcare Preparedness Program (HPP) Coordinator: Ernie Moore
Bureau of Healthcare Systems & Services
Telephone: (803) 898-0518
Email: mooree@dph.sc.gov
Upstate Region EPR Section Manager: Vacant
Midlands Region EPR Section Manager: Dr. Toya Murph
Telephone: (803) 576-2681
Email: murphtd@dph.sc.gov
Lowcountry Region EPR Section Manager: Raymond Barteet
Telephone: (803) 953-0062
Email: bateere@dph.sc.gov
PeeDee Region EPR Section Manager: Mark Hendrix
Telephone: (843) 673-6546
Email: hendriml@dph.sc.gov
Members Include:
- Regional Medical Centers
- Rehabilitative and Long-Term Acute Care Hospital
- Primary Medical Care Health Center
- State Government Organizations
- County and Local Government Organizations
- Federal Government Entities
- Long Term Care Facilities
- Public Health
- Public Safety
- Volunteer Organizations
- Federal VA and Army Hospitals
- Nursing and Behavioral Health Centers
- Federally Qualified Health Centers
- County and Local Government Organizations
- Fire/EMS
- County Coroners
- Law Enforcement
- Federally Recognized Tribe
- State Tribal Groups
- Treatment/Rehabilitation Medical Centers
- Primary Health Care Services
- Retirement/Aging Organizations
- Private Business Entities