WIC Availabilty

The South Carolina Department of Public Health (DPH) is aware of the recent federal executive orders and memos and is awaiting further guidance. In the meantime, your access to WIC services and benefits will continue. We will keep you informed of any updates.

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Need help? If you have difficulty understanding English or have a disability, free language assistance or other aids/services are available upon request. Please contact your local WIC clinic.

SC WIC Formula Brand to Change from Gerber to Similac 

On July 30, 2024, the formula brand for the SC WIC program changed from Gerber® to Similac®. If your infant is receiving Gerber® formula, your formula benefits dated on or after July 30, 2024 will have a new Similac formula listed.

What if I don't want the new formula?

Starting July 30, you will not be issued Gerber® Good Start, Gentle, Soy or Soothe formula, even with a prescription. The new Similac formula will provide the same nutrition for your baby as the Gerber brand. If you don't want the new Similac formula for your infant and you prefer to purchase a different formula out of pocket, you can still remain on the WIC program. Your infant can receive cereal and infant fruits and vegetables at six months of age. 

What kind of formula will my infant receive?

Instead of a Gerber® brand formula, your infant will receive a Similac® brand formula.

Current Formula NEW Contract Formula
Gerber® Good Start Gentle


Similac Advance
Gerber® Good Start Soy


Similac Soy Isomil
Gerber® Good Start Soothe


Similac Sensitive

Note: Similac Total Comfort is available if Similac Sensitive is not compatible with your infant.

When will the new formula appear on the Food Benefit Shopping List?

The new Similac® formula will be listed for purchase on or after July 30. You will continue seeing Gerber formula on your shopping list June 1 through July 29, 2024.

Past Updates

June 3, 2024 

Options Available for Gerber®  Good Start®  Soy, SoothePro and  Gentle Formula  Due to Supply Shortages 

If Gerber Good Start Soy, Gerber Good Start SoothePro and Gerber Good Start Gentle formula are not available in stores due to supply shortages, you may purchase the following formula instead:

Gerber Good Start Soothe Pro comparable formulasGerber Good Start Soy comparable formulas

April 8, 2024 

Limited Stock of Gerber® Good Start® SoothePro Powder Infant Formula 

Gerber Good Start SoothePro 12.4 oz may not be fully stocked and available at stores.
South Carolina WIC participants may purchase the following similar infant formula brands: 

  • Similac Sensitive 12.5 oz Powder, 
  • Similac Total Comfort 12.6 oz Powder, 
  • Enfamil Gentlease 12.4 oz Powder, 
  • Enfamil Reguline 12.4 oz Powder. 

These alternate brand items are only available for purchase with your eWIC card if Gerber Good Start SoothePro 12.4 oz powder is currently listed on your shopping list.

Jan. 2, 2024 

Select Nutramigen Powder Infant Formula Recalled

Some Nutramigen 12.6 ounce powder infant formula has been formula recalled due to possible bacteria contamination. The select products in question include the following batches: ZL3FHG, ZL3FMH, ZL3FPE, ZL3FQD, ZL3FRW, ZL3FXJ with a UPC code of 300871239418 or 300871239456 and use by date of Jan. 1, 2025.

Dec. 11, 2023

Update: Gerber Soy Infant Formula

Gerber will not stock any soy (powder, concentrate and ready to feed) infant formula until March 2024. You may purchase the similar Similac and Enfamil formula listed below.

Gerber Soy Powder
070074559643Similac Soy Isomil Powder 12.4 oz
300871214415Enfamil ProSobee Powder 12.9 oz
Gerber Soy Concentrate
070074569765Similac Soy Isomil Concentrate 13 oz
300871195417Enfamil ProSobee Concentrate 13 oz
Gerber Soy Ready To Feed
070074559681Similac Soy Isomil RTF 32 oz
300875123645Enfamil ProSoBee RTF 32 oz
