FREE STD/HIV testing on December 3 at most local health department clinics. Please call 1-855-472-3432 to schedule an appointment or click here for a listing of local health departments.
What is World AIDS Day?
World AIDS Day is observed each year on December 1 and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV, and remember those who have died. Established in 1988, World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day. In 2024, the global community marks the 37th commemoration of this important day as a reminder that we must remain steadfast in our commitment to prevent new HIV infections and provide essential services to all people living with HIV globally. The South Carolina Department of Public Health and Ending the Epidemics SC uplift HIV.gov’s theme this year: “Collective Action: Sustain and Accelerate HIV Progress.”
Collective Action on World AIDS Day 2024 and Beyond
Dedicated heroes throughout the Palmetto State act together all year long towards the common goals of reducing new HIV infections, promoting testing, fighting stigma and helping people living with HIV get into care and stay in care. People with HIV, who are in care, have the possibility of achieving and maintaining viral suppression and living long and healthy lives.
For World AIDS Day 2024, please join other South Carolinians at local observances near you…or organize your own! Here are just a few examples of many events in urban and rural communities scheduled during the week of World AIDS Day 2024:
Sunday, December 1 at 11:00 AM
World AIDS Day Service
Victory in Christ United Church
611 E. Main St., Pamplico, SC
View Flyer
Sunday, December 1 at 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
“Be Steadfast, Unmovable: Continue the Fight Until There’s a Cure” World AIDS Day Service
Trinity Health and Wellness in partnership with the Brookland Foundation and others
Trinity Baptist Church Educational Community Center
2521 Richland St., Columbia, SC
View Flyer
Monday, December 2 at 11 AM and 5:55 PM
World AIDS Day Remembrance Ceremony and AIDS Walk
11:00 AM – AIDS Walk Rally – Four laps around the State House
5:55 PM – One World ONE FIGHT Observance Program
PALSS - Congratulations to PALSS for its 39 years of service to the community.
South Carolina State House, North Grounds
1100 Gervais St., Columbia, SC
View Flyer
Tuesday, December 3
In observance of World AIDS Day 2024 the South Carolina Department of Public Health (DPH) will offer free testing at local health departments on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd. South Carolinians can be tested for HIV, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and Hepatitis C at no cost.
For more information about World AIDS Day events in your community and local HIV testing sites, call DPH's S.C. STD/HIV Hotline at 1-800-322-AIDS (1-800-322-2437). You may also visit Ending the Epidemics SC on social media @EndingtheEpidemicsSC for additional information.
Can't make it to a testing event? No problem. Order a free test kit!
Getting Into Care - The Revolutionary Good News about HIV
Just as with many other chronic health conditions, seeing a health care provider for the first time about HIV might make you a bit nervous. We encourage persons diagnosed with HIV to seek care, stay in care, and achieve viral suppression by taking antiretroviral therapy (ART). People with HIV who take HIV medicine (called antiretroviral therapy) as prescribed and achieve and keep an undetectable viral load can live long and healthy lives and will not transmit HIV to their HIV-negative partners through sex. This good news is called Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U). DPH has partner agencies that provide an array of services such as testing, referrals/linkage to medical care, and other options regardless of insurance or immigration status. For more information on whom to call please click here: Ryan White Service Providers.
For more information about HIV Care & Treatment: Let's Talk About HIV Treatment! - Greater Than AIDS
For more information about World AIDS Day events and local HIV testing sites, call DPH's S.C. STD/HIV Hotline at 1-800-322-AIDS (1-800-322-2437).